CESIE is a European Centre for Studies and Initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily. It is a non-profit, apolitical, non-governmental organisation. It was established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of the pacifist, Danilo Dolci (1924-1997). CESIE links local, national and international contexts and is committed to stimulating development and change in educational, cultural and economic spheres through the creation and use of innovative tools and methods.

The main objectives of CESIE:

To improve lifelong education in Europe through transnational projects involving local communities
To promote sustainable development of neighbouring regions and beyond through training and education
To foster progress and innovation in higher education and research
To support learning mobility for people at all ages, across borders and sectors
To stimulate local growth by adapting international good practices and methods.

We coordinate a global Partners’ Network of over 200 organisations which share our mission and collaborate with us. ItWe also collaborate with over 20 schools in Palermo, which will be directly involved in this project.

Two units in our organisation, the Higher Education and Research and the School Unit,will collaborate in the work on the SCIREARLY project.

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University of Deusto - Avda. de Universidades, 24, 48600 Bilbao, Spain

European Union flag This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101061288
This website reflects only the authors’ view. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.
 Translations are automatically generated by the Google Translate plug-in. The SCIREARLY consortium declines responsibility for errors due to the limitations of the translation software.