European Parents’ Association

EPA has been the only EU-level organisation representing parents as a stakeholder group in education since its foundation in 1985. With 30+ member organisations, we have working contacts with nearly all EU-member states. We also have members from some non-EU countries.. Our reach extends to around 150 million European parents.

The main objectives of EPA are:

to promote and advocate for the active involvement of parents as primary educators at all stages of the education of their children
to support parents' associations and individual parents in stakeholder involvement in different European countries by offering opportunities for training, cooperation and exchanging information
to support the highest possible quality of education for all children in Europe especially by active involvement in EU-level policy development and assessment
to disseminate relevant European information among its members.

Parents play an important role in the development of their children’s full and unique potential. This includes – but is not limited to – academic success. The involvement of parents in developing programmes and projects to improve education for all children is therefore crucial to ensure that these endeavours take the needs and challenges of the whole family into consideration.

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University of Deusto - Avda. de Universidades, 24, 48600 Bilbao, Spain

European Union flag This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101061288
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