The Directorate-General for Education (DGE) is a body within the Ministry of Education (ME) responsible for implementing legislation and education policiesin pre-school, primary and secondary school levels. DGE specialises in curriculum development and assists schools in providing quality education for all within compulsory education. One of the main tasks of the DGE is to coordinate, monitor and provide guidance to schools on teaching and learning strategies to promote success in an inclusive learning environment and thereby preventing early school leaving.
The Ministry of Education in Portugal develops educational measures for school inclusion and school success with a range of programmes supporting schools in the implementation of these policies. One of these is the TEIP Programme (Priority Intervention Educational Areas), covering 146 school clusters in social and economically disadvantaged areas. Its aims are to improve learning outcomes, prevent early school leaving and strengthen relations between school, families and the community.
The ME/DGEis contributes to the entire SCIREARLY project, with particular expertise in relation to scalability and dissemination of research outcomes. It will, for example, mobilise a range of stakeholders such as policymakers, school leaders, and others in designing innovative policy solutions. Furthermore, the opportunity of peer learning with other partners from different countries will be an added value for the DGE’s main action of assisting schools in the promotion of school success and tackling early school leaving.