Professor Auli Toom
The University of Helsinki, established in 1640, is a comprehensive, research university. In most global university rankings, the University of Helsinki ranks in the top 50-100. It combines research with teaching and is in constant contact with the surrounding society as well as with the global academic community. The University of Helsinki is a versatile institution for science, education, and intellectual renewal in Finland, a pioneering builder of the future.
The Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE) at the University of Helsinki conducts research on active learning, psychosocial wellbeing, learning-centred teaching and changes in education in higher education as well as other educational contexts. The research conducted at the Centre encompasses all stages of the educational path from early childhood education to higher education and beyond. The Centre supports faculties in the development of teaching and learning, as well as providing high-quality research-based training in university teaching and learning. It has wide-ranging national and international collaborations in research and development. It is a unique resource for the systematic research-based development of teaching and learning at the University of Helsinki. The researchers contributing to SCIREARLY are Professor Auli Toom, Professor Kirsi Pyhältö, Dr. Jaakko Hilppö and Dr. Sanna Ulmanen.