1: Analysing causes and social determinants of underachievement

1: Analysing causes and social determinants

1: Analysing causes and social determinants of underachievement

The researchers working on WP 1 will begin with an extensive review of the research on the root causes of and social factors leading to children not succeeding at school. They will also identify and compare existing policies to better understand the factors that contribute to a reduction in the number of students leaving school early. Research findings will then be discussed with citizens in a process of co-creation to develop new policies.

WP 1 will begin with a systematic review of the research on the root causes of and social factors leading to children not succeeding at school. This includes looking at academic journal articles published in the past 20 years, relevant academic books, research reports and other documents on this topic from sources in education, psychology, sociology, economics, linguistics, etc.

The teams will also identify existing policies from the past ten years at local, regional or national level which have contributed to the reduction of early school leaving in Europe. They will compare successful policies with less successful policies to better understand the factors in those policies that have effectively reduced underachievement and early school leaving.

The final step in this work package involves co-creating new policies. This will bring the research together with the perspectives of those who have personal experience of the impact of these issues in their own lives or work. This will include families, teachers, civil society organisations and policymakers. On the basis of this joint work, this WP will produce a report highlighting the social impact of policies to improve achievement at school and outlining specific recommendations for developing successful schools.

WP 1 leader: Dublin City University, Ireland

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University of Deusto - Avda. de Universidades, 24, 48600 Bilbao, Spain

European Union flag This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101061288
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