01/04/2023 - 31/10/2025
6: Integration: evidence-based framework to address underachievement in Europe
6: Integration: evidence-based framework to address underachievement in Europe
The teams working on WP 6 will be drawing on the findings of the different work packages and integrating them to make them available in various formats to a wider audience. This includes the development of an evidence-based framework that addresses underachievement in Europe which will be co-created by relevant educational stakeholders. A final report will be published too, detailing the research findings and setting out a set of key recommendations for practice in schools and for policy at national and European level. The third development in this work package is the launch of a community of practice called the SCIREARLY Impact platform which will form a connecting point for all those concerned with children leaving school early.
The first task is the development of a framework to integrate the findings of the whole project. The framework will draw on the first five work packages (WP 1-5):
- identifying the causes of and social factors leading to children not succeeding at school
- highlighting key indicators of early childhood education and care which lead to successful learning in primary and secondary school
- describing the features of a successful learning environment
- working out how successful learning environments could be scaled up
- describing ways of enabling students from disadvantaged settings to succeed at school.
As each work package will not take place at the same time, the framework will be developed as each work package progresses. All partners of the consortium will meet as each work package is completed to discuss how the findings contribute to the overall framework.
The second task is the launch of the SCIREARLY Impact platform which will be an online community of practice and learning. It is aimed at practitioners, communities, civil society and policymakers as a connecting point around creating transformative learning environments for children. The platform will be open to all and give access to resources and tools developed in the course of the research. WP 6 teams will also seek to share products from the research on other platforms such as the European Toolkit for Schools to contribute to wider interchange.
The third task is the final report which will present the findings of the whole project and include a comprehensive set of recommendations for teachers and others in schools and for policymakers. The toolkit produced in WP 3 will be included as an annex.
WP 6 leader: L-Università ta’ Malta, Malta